Sample BlockChain demo lib in python

Quickstart demostrates sample usage of BlockChain package

Run app


Run test

python3 -m unittest tests/

Package usage


The class BlockChain is used as a context manager

Upon instantiation it,

from libbc import BlockChain

configPath = <your_config.yml_path>
currentDir = <dir_path_to_save_blockchain>

with BlockChain(configPath, currentDir) as bc:

  # add transactions to the block chain,
  # arg1: transaction array
  # arg2: miner account
  # Note: every add block call to blockchain
  # adds a ledger entry of the miner reward
  bc.add_block([], 'sumeetsarkar')
  # list the block chain so far in json

  # checks for validity of the block chain
  # returns tuple
  # True, None
  # False, Corrupted Block instance 
  # Blockchain is first validated before every block addition

  # prints account summary of transactions for given user
  # returns tuple, (totalCredit, totalDebit)


Each LedgerEntry is recorded as two transactions using class Transaction

from libbc import LedgerEntry

le = LedgerEntry('userA', 'userB', 400)

# transactions is a property of LE, returning the array of transactions in ledger

BlockChain Config

# Block chain config

name: <your-blockchain-name>

# block mining difficulty
difficulty: 4

# miner reward
reward: 10

# test mode false, does not dump or read blockchain file
# transactions are volatile
testMode: false

# file dump configs
  dir: data
  # if filename is null, use blockchain name
  file: null
  # frequency of dump, after every 'block', or 'end'
  frequency: block

Block Definition from BlockChain

Following information is captured in every block

Hash Algorithm


Block_Header = (version + previousHash + merkelRoot + timeInSeconds + Nounce)

Sample Block

    "version": "1",
    "previousHash": "837dd71bf9814c03689aad9a9c963df41421de96fe40dae2e1b56898d3aeb5c7",
    "merkelRoot": "e6b8da89aa107105dd309131ebf607f875c135bacc4d030205794e224b1f7d01",
    "timeInSeconds": "1539871539",
    "hash": "000094fb9324ccf419b6c8eee13c068dcf24d7976d47839c1c7d73daf35c4f9a",
    "nounce": 35955,
    "difficulty": 4,
    "numTransactions": 6,
    "transactions": [
        "fromUser": "sumeet-blockchain",
        "toUser": "sumeetsarkar",
        "amount": 10
        "fromUser": "sumeetsarkar",
        "toUser": "sumeet-blockchain",
        "amount": -10
        "fromUser": "userA",
        "toUser": "userB",
        "amount": 400
        "fromUser": "userB",
        "toUser": "userA",
        "amount": -400
        "fromUser": "userA",
        "toUser": "userC",
        "amount": 200
        "fromUser": "userC",
        "toUser": "userA",
        "amount": -200